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Bell, let’s talk

Hey everyone,

I know I’m a day late with “mental health awareness day”. To be honest, I’ve been having a few rough days and needed some time to process my emotions.

I’ve had anxiety for as long as I can remember. When I was younger I never really understood why I was feeling the way I did but as an adult, it makes sense. It was never anything that was accepted or even talked about like it is today. Do not misunderstand me though, society indeed has come a long way but it has so much more to overcome.

Over 6 years ago, I hit a really hard wall of depression and anxiety when I lost my brother to suicide. It was the most devastating event that has ever occurred in my life and it still pains me so much to this day, that I still find it hard to think about how much I miss him. It still hurts too much and I honestly don’t think that will ever change. It’s difficult for me to be emotionally hurt or feeling really low because my mind wanders off to the thought of my brother and how I would do anything to just call him up to hear his voice or to have him give me one of his giant bear hugs.

It weighs heavy on my heart but I cannot stress enough how important mental health is. It’s grossly overlooked, judged and misunderstood. My best friend made a really great point that put things into perspective for me. Bell’s campaign inspires a lot of people but at the same time it’s flawed in many ways. Mental health should not be recognized only one day a year. Everyone’s illness is more than an advertising campaign and it’s a topic that should be talked about every single day.

My message to anyone who doesn’t understand mental health and why it’s so important… EDUCATE YOURSELF.

My message, to anyone who struggles daily with anxiety or depression, or has lost someone to suicide or have thought dark thoughts. YOU are not alone, YOU matter, YOU are loved, YOU are important.

It’s okay not to be okay sometimes. ❤️

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